Living Out of His Word

During the pandemic, I was able to start Freedom Ascent groups with four groups of children here in my city. God enabled me to share with them my struggles, and this changed the dynamic I had with them in a great way. I told them,

“There was a season of my life when I was going through such a difficult time that I didn’t want to get out of bed to face another day. I was even denying that I had a problem. Then one day a friend called me and invited me to go through this Freedom Ascent experience together with her. That has changed so much in my life, and that’s why I want to share this with you.”

Since sharing that with the children, there is more trust between us, as if a great barrier had been taken down. I am excited to see what God will continue to do, but I am also aware of my responsibility to be drenched in His Word, not only in knowledge or theory, but in this relational way of obediently walking out the practice of His Word. I have learned to talk with God about everything, even those things of which I might be ashamed.”